Dizza Communication is an integrated communication and public relations agency with a strategic approach to raise the profile of its clients,  increase their brand visibility and tell their story.

Our role is to craft meaningful messages through strategic communications, public relations, translation, and audiovisual services.

Our agency has significant experience promoting projects and programs specifically in trade promotion and private sector development across the world.

Our services


We offer a full range of public relations services from strategic messaging and press releases to media relations and training. Above all, our role is to ensure that your PR efforts are tied to a clear communication strategy for your organisation.

 Public Relations – Media Management – Media Training –  Capacity Building


You’ve heard it before “Content is King”.   Using the most adapted format to tell your story is crucial in your communication strategy.  With our team of talented creatives, we develop your content in the most impactful form.

Photography – Videography –  Podcasting –  Copywriting


Events tell a story.

As experts in international event management, we know the importance and value of curating an experience that will drive a long-lasting connection between your audience and your brand.  Dizza Communication works with you from event ideation to the nitty-gritty details of it.

Curation – Planning – Management


We ensure that nothing gets “lost in translation”. We support our clients’ goals by providing a translation of high quality and fidelity to the original content.  We know that communicating the same message in different languages may be a challenge. Our in-house and external network of professional translators allows us to offer translation services in French, English and Portuguese.

Documents – Apps – Websites


We give the ideal tone of voice to your message.

From scripting to acting, we tell your story in an audible way.  We bring the tone, flow and voice that will amplify your idea with eloquent voiceover professionals.

Scripting – Acting – Production


We bring you well-spoken and articulate public speakers to facilitate your event.

Being a confident and skilled MC or moderator does not happen overnight, we, therefore, provide training to help you master the art of speaking in public.  

MC –  Moderation – Public speaking – Training

Our work

We work with international organisations, public and private institutions, public authorities and consulting firms to grow their presence and shape their message through various media.

Our deep understanding and experience of the European and African continents have enabled us to earn the trust and confidence of major global players.

  • Translation services
  • Editorial services

  • Event management
  • Programme development
  • Speaker mobilization
  • Public information
  • Public relations
  • Communication strategy
  • Event management

Our Clients

We work with international organisations, public and private institutions, public authorities and consulting firms to grow their presence and shape their message through various media.

Our deep understanding and experience of the European and African continents have enabled us to earn the trust and confidence of major global players.

Our client’s success speaks volumes about what we can achieve for you.

« Visibility and presence in French-Speaking West African countries was our goal and this was perfectly addressed through a mix of strategic communications and deep knowledge of the reality on the ground in these countries. This recipe of modern communication tools adapted to the audience can provide exposure to technical assistance programs at national and regional levels.. »

Matthew Wilson, Chief Adviser
International Trade Centre

« Dedication, professionalism and flexibility are the attributes that come to mind when I think about DIZZA, this is why for the last 3 consecutive years we have partnered with them. The agency has had a central role in designing the conference program. From themes formulation, orientation of the highlevel panels to talking points development for speakers and moderators. »

Sékouba Mara, Director General
Agence guinéenne pour la promotion de l’emploi

« Dizza Communication provided services to the ECOWAS Commission within the framework of implementing the West African Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP). Their support in articulating our strategic messages in a user-friendly and adapted format, as well as translation into the 3 official languages of the Community, has contributed to improving the visibility and inclusivity for MSMEs which are the ultimate beneficiaries. We look forward to continuing our collaboration. »

Kola Sofola, Acting Director of Trade
ECOWAS Commission

About us

Dizza Communication boasts  15 years of combined experience in journalism, public speaking and PR.  We have gained the know-how that drives results.

Developing and implementing communications strategies to enhance the visibility of clients’ actions mainly international organisations and African private and public institutions.

Our large network of multicultural creative professionals enables us to create content that speaks to a wide variety of audiences.

We also believe in bringing our global perspectives and building capacity by sharing the knowledge gained through the years.

About the Founder

Mujinga Tambwe is a Communication and Public Relations Specialist who has worked for almost 15 years for international organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations, the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the World Bank.

In the course of her various missions, she has contributed to strengthening the visibility of her clients’ presence in their countries of operation.

Passionate about Africa and telling genuine African stories, she has delivered compelling content through her photography, her voice and articles.

Mujinga holds a Master in Journalism from Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).